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Master of the Mojave
Fallout: New Vegas locations project
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Bitter Springs recreation area
Bitter Springs Recreation Area
Icon settlement medium
Bitter Springs RA loc
Map MarkerBitter Springs Recreation Area
QuestsI Forgot to Remember to Forget
Cell NameBitterSpringsRecreationArea (recreation area)
3CBSRecreationOffice (recreation office)
ref id000ddccb (recreation area)
00133ec4 (recreation office)

The Bitter Springs recreation area is a location in the Mojave Wasteland. Found due north of Callville Bay very close by.


Once a bustling vista spot now sports a single, large shack within the concrete barricade perimeter. The collection of doomed vehicular hulks rusting in the sun,[1] are used as a staging area for a Legion raiding party on Bitter Springs during the quest I Forgot to Remember to Forget.


The Bitter Springs recreation area is north of Callville Bay and consists of a large amount of trailers and the Bitter Springs recreation office.

Bitter Springs recreation office[]

The office is a small shack to the west of the trailers. It is inhabited by 2-5 giant rats.

Notable loot[]

  • Tumblers Today found on a desk in the room on the left, inside Bitter Springs recreation office (easy to miss).
  • ¡La Fantoma! magazine in the northeast corner on a small table to the right as you enter the office (might need to crouch to see it).
  • Two Sunset Sarsaparilla star bottle caps in front of the ham radio in the office. One is right-side-up and the other is upside-down.


  • The buses with pristine interiors make use of the same model seen in the Fallout 3 introduction and teaser trailer.
  • Cazadores can be found around the general area, so don't come unprepared.


Bitter Springs recreation area appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.



  1. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.363: "[3.16] Bitter Springs Recreation Area
    Now little more than a collection of doomed vehicular hulks rusting in the sun, this once-bustling vista spot now sports a single, large shack within the concrete barricade perimeter. Inside the ship, there's the following:
    * Sunset Sarsaparilla Star Cap [37/100]
    * Sunset Sarsaparilla Star Cap [38/100]
    * Skill Book: Tumblers Today [Lockpick] [2/4] [7/9]
    * Magazine: ¡La Fantoma! [Sneak] [7/10] [23/52]
    * Safe Items [Average]"
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition Tour of the Mojave Wasteland)