Bison Steve Hotel | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The outside of the hotel | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Bison Steve Hotel is a derelict hotel located in Primm in Fallout: New Vegas.
The largest resort in Primm, Bison Steve was a major landmark and competitor to The Vikki and Vance Casino. The smaller establishment could not really compete with the grand El Diablo rollercoaster, ball room, and multiple reasonably comfortable rooms, so they took to a rather underhanded method of competition, discouraging tourists from visiting it. Dishonest dealers and numerous building code violations combined with El Diablo's poor safety record were routinely blamed.[1]
War rendered this competition moot and left it to the elements. Although much of the building and parts of the rollercoaster collapsed, it was still solid enough to become a hotel once again when trade picked up after the NCR seized the Dam. Old Laurie ran the show there, but left the town months before the convicts took over and turned the hotel into their hideout in 2281.[2]
The building is impossible to miss on account of its massive signs and the rollercoaster snaking all over it. Several convicts patrol the rollercoaster tracks, taking potshots at people in the streets, but are generally a minor nuisance all things considered. There is only one entrance, through the main doors leading to the ground floor of the hotel.
Ground floor[]
Much of the floor is blocked off by rubble. The large corridor leads from the reception area (with a sealed-off employee lounge that can be opened through an Easy terminal or Hard-locked door), through a hall with an adjacent gift shop and an elevator leading to the upper floors (requires Repair 35 to fix), to the ballroom, converted by the convicts into a staging area. The furniture was turned into an improvised barricade to provide a fall back position, with the kitchen used to store food and hostages, such as Deputy Beagle. Rather than go through the ballroom, the player can use a maintenance corridor to reach the kitchen, providing cover in the fighting. The door can be opened using the maintenance key found in the employee lounge.
Upper floor[]
An area in ever worse state of disrepair than the rest of the hotel. Few rooms are accessible and even fewer are serviceable, especially with the convicts on the prowl. This floor can be accessed by the stairwell or the elevator and is divided into two floors. The lower floor is mostly rubble, with the ruined rooms allowing access to the upper levels up the collapsed ceilings. The upper floor is in better state of repair, including locked rooms with remains of people who committed suicide during the Great War.
An exit to the rollercoaster is located on the second level, allowing access to most of the tracks.
There appears to be an inaccesible area northwest on the third floor that is blocked by a broken door on one side and a tilted desk in the hallway on the other side of the door. Jumping beside the desk in that hallway still results in being blocked, as does attempts in the adjacent hall, where a collapse blocks a portal through which one can glimpse the inaccessible area. There is no way from the roof or outside ledge into the blocked area.
Notable loot[]
- Outside
- There is a small stash behind the sign over the entrance, accessible through the collapsed track. It consists of binoculars, Psycho, Jet and a pack of cigarettes.
- Ground floor
- Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor: On the floor behind the gift shop counter.
- Lucky: In the Hard-locked safe inside the gift shop, behind the counter.
- Incinerator: Dropped by the leader of the escaped convicts.
- A Sunset Sarsaparilla star bottle cap: On the end table in the main hall, directly opposite the elevator.
- Guest rooms
- Psycho and Med-X in a locked room on the first level, behind a locked door.
- Doctor's bag and first aid boxes: In the maintenance room by the elevator (Very Easy lock).
- Gun cabinet: Southern end of the lower level, randomly spawns two weapons and ammunition. Weapons include a plasma pistol, .357 Magnum revolver, silenced .22 pistol, laser RCW.
- The upper level can be reached through the collapsed rooms. It contains a locked gun cabinet in one of the rooms, which can be opened with the worn key dropped by one of the convicts.
- Psycho and Med-X: In a locked room at the end of the corridor, opposite end to the exit to the rollercoaster. Found on a suicide victim in the tub.
- Armor case and Very Easy locked first aid box: In the bathroom behind the gap in one of the collapsed rooms, spawns merc armors and usual healing chems.
- Ransom note: Near the body of the late Mr Petersen, halfway down the corridor down from the maintenance exit to the rollercoaster.
Behind the scenes[]
- The hotel is an elaborate reference to Buffalo Bill's Hotel in Primm, complete with a rollercoaster (the Desperado at Buffalo Bill's).
Bison Steve Hotel appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.
- ↑ The Courier: "What about the Bison Steve hotel, across the street?"
Primm Slim: '"The Bison Steve is one of Primm's less-impressive casino hotels. I'd steer clear of that place, pardner, if I were you. Rumor is the dealers over there cheat, and that rickety roller-coaster's liable to fall down any day 'cause it wasn't built to code."
(Primm Slim's dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "What's the Bison Steve?"
Johnson Nash: "It's an old hotel and casino here in town. Old Laurie used to rent out rooms there, but she took off months ago. Across the way from the Vikki and Vance, the other old casino. Can't miss it."
(Johnson Nash's dialogue)