The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Icon disambig
For an overview of grenade models used throughout the Fallout series, see Grenade.
Bio-gas canister
Nuka-grenade icon
Attack statistics
1 (6.1) + 0 (5) ExplosionIcon explosion + 5 for 5s EffectIcon effect
Crit Dmg
Crit % Mult
Item HP5
QuestsAn Antique Land
Editor ID?
Base IDxx00d1e4
Perk Effects
Perks (dam.)
Demolition Expert
( +0 ExplosionIcon explosion)
Bloody Mess
(+0.1 +0 ExplosionIcon explosion)
Ghoul Ecology
(+5 +5 ExplosionIcon explosion)
Gametitle-FO3 PL
Gametitle-FO3 PL

The bio-gas canister is a weapon in the Fallout 3 add-on Point Lookout.


It deploys a cloud of natural gas on the target. As with all gas leaks, it will ignite from explosives, energy weapons and conventional fire while inside the cloud. This results in a fireball on the target. The flame of the gas itself won't actually damage your enemy badly, but it will stun them, giving you an opportunity to flee should you choose to do so.

When the grenade explodes it gives out at least 5 radiation, going down to 1 radiation as well as not stopping until shot into. Enemies carrying weapons such as a flamer or heavy incinerator can be lit aflame instantly simply by throwing the canister at them, due to the flamer and heavy incinerator having a small flame at the end of the weapon which will ignite the gas.


  • 17 bio-gas canisters in total can be found over the course of the quest An Antique Land in the excavated muck holes. 7 are located in the muck holes themselves, and 10 are rewarded upon completion of the questline. They cannot be found anywhere else.


  • Bio-gas canisters use the model of the pulse grenade and the Pip-Boy icon of a Nuka-grenade.
  • The canisters inflict fire damage to any enemies in the vicinity, though targets aren't set on fire. This is observable by hitting a very weak enemy with the canister, only to watch them die seconds afterwards.
  • The resulting gas doesn't disappear. This allows for colorful decorations of certain areas.
  • Reverse-pickpocketing bio-gas canisters onto non-player characters will not kill them, instead just damage them slightly.
  • Bear traps, though unheated, will light a canister on fire if thrown into it (possibly because of any sparks created from the trap snapping shut).