The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Big B's Rest Stop
F76 Big Bs
F76 358
Part ofThe Mire
FactionsRed Rocket (formerly)
  • Feral ghouls
  • Scorched
  • Super mutants
  • Chance for normal spawns
  • Chance for scorched variant spawns
  • Technical
  • The Mire location
  • Fast travel destination
  • Working Class theme
  • Large loot scale
  • Dungeon
  • Point of Interest

    Big B's Rest Stop is a location in Fallout 76.


    A small roadside gas station and Super Duper Mart, long since abandoned.

    Points of interest[]

    • This small rest stop includes a Red Rocket station with the player's stash, a power armor station with a potential for a random power armor, as well as assorted loot in the market. The market's upper floor is collapsed, granting access to the roof with an elevated bed and a rifle spawn just behind the sign.

    Notable loot[]

    • Caps stash: Behind the counter in the Mart
    Potential power armor
    • A partial suit of power armor may spawn behind the Red Rocket Station, next to the armor workbench.
    Potential bobblehead
    • A bobblehead may spawn under the rooftop bed.
    Potential magazine
    Plans and Recipes
    • A random plan/recipe spawns behind the Super Duper Mart counter.
    • A random plan/recipe spawns on the button shelf of the right magazine/book shelf in front of the Super Duper Mart counter.
    Dynamic spawns


    Big B's Rest Stop appears in Fallout 76.

