For lists of consumables by game, see Consumable. |
Beverages refers to a class of consumables in the Fallout series that can be drunk, as opposed to food which is eaten. They usually heal a small number of Hit Points or give temporary statistic boosts but have no major drawbacks; alcoholic beverages, however, do run the risk of developing an addiction. Later games like Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout 4 introduced the need to hydrate in Hardcore mode and Survival difficulty respectively.
Main article: Alcohol
- Absinthe
- Alcohol-Z
- Atomic cocktail
- Battle brew
- Beer (ice cold)
- Bobrov's best moonshine
- Booze
- Bourbon
- Dirty Wastelander
- Dixon's whiskey
- Fire Belly
- Gamma Gulp Beer
- Gwinnett Ale (ice cold)
- Gwinnett Brew (ice cold)
- Gwinnett Lager (ice cold)
- Gwinnett Pale (ice cold)
- Gwinnett Pilsner (ice cold)
- Gwinnett Stout (ice cold)
- Irradiated beer
- Irradiated scotch
- Irradiated whiskey
- Jake Juice
- Large wasteland tequila
- Moonshine
- Poisoned wine
- Roentgen Rum
- Rot Gut
- Rum
- Rum & Nuka
- Scotch
- Sierra Madre martini
- Vodka
- Wasteland tequila
- Whiskey
- Wine
Main article: Nuka-Cola