The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Belching Betty
F76 Belching Betty ExtF76 Belching Betty Interior
F76 358
Part ofThe Ash Heap
  • Scorched
  • Other
    QuestsInto the Fire
  • Dungeon
  • Ash Heap location
  • Fast travel destination
  • Mining theme
  • Clearable
  • Large loot scale
  • Dungeon
  • Interior cell

    Belching Betty is a location in Fallout 76.


    An old Garrahan Mining Co. mine, shaft Beatrice was sealed following an underground fire that could not be extinguished by conventional means. Following the Great War and emergence of the scorched, it was turned into a containment area and later the final test site for the Fire Breathers, where they proved whether they had the skills and tenacity needed of the Responders' most elite unit.

    Points of interest[]

    • The mining shaft is relatively straightforward. The staging area contains a locked safe on the platform above the office, a first aid kit, and a terminal that opens the security gate into the mine. Face protection (gas mask, Fire Breather helmet, power armor helmet etc.) is necessary for surviving in the toxic environment of the mine. The ground is also rife with burning fissures, so caution is advised.
    • Down the first tunnel is a small locker room and control hut with a magazine spawn point (northern side, bottom level) and an armor station.
    • The tunnel then branches out, before coming back together at the end cavern. The left-hand branch leads to conveyor machinery and a bobblehead at the end of the right-hand tunnel, and also contains a crack filled with burning coal veins. Beyond the crack is the ground floor of the mine.
    • The right-hand tunnel contains a black titanium spawn point and leads to a locked security cage (level 1) with a chemistry station, and a stairwell that leads down into the mine facilities.
    • The bottom facilities fill the cavern and contain three bobblehead and magazine spawn points, a chemistry station, a tinker's workbench, and a weapon workbench.
    • The left-hand tunnel contains an ultracite spawn point at the end of the small tunnel with conveyor belts.

    Notable loot[]

    Holotapes and Notes
    Potential bobbleheads
    • On top of the tool box (one of two) inside the white-and-orange trailer, inside the mine at the shaft and stairwell (at the side of the railroad tracks, near the Chemistry Station).
    • On the inside corner shelving in the storage and locker room midway down the main shaft steps.
    • By the body of firefighter Rita Wilcox, on a metal table by a mainframe computer between the two light-blue generators in the main cavern generator room.
    • On the end of a horizontal metal rod, in a tunnel alcove in the long conveyor belt room, before the exit.
    Potential magazines
    • On top of the mainframe computer, northwest corner of the second metal maintenance office above the interior mine tracks.
    • Below the orange tool case sitting on the mainframe computer, on the earth between the computer and a wooden crate, opposite the Chemistry Station, above the rail tracks and main shaft.
    • Near the wastebasket and two filing cabinets, on the windowed wall of the blue metal maintenance hut with the trunk and the Garrahan Mining logo on it, in the main cavern just after the shaft stairway descent.
    • Around the back of the giant boiler machine, with the Tinker’s Workbench at the front of the boiler, in the room with the fusion core generator, in the mesh walled area, west end of the main generator cabin after the shaft and stairwell descent.
    Potential power armor
    • Near the mine entrance, inside the concrete building with the Fire Marshal.
    Dynamic spawns


    Belching Betty appears in Fallout 76.

