This melee weapon is identical in appearance to the baseball bat seen in Fallout 3, but it deals more damage. The baseball bat has some of the highest durability of melee weaponry, and its availability makes it a decent starting weapon. It deals a decent amount of damage for an early weapon, but is hindered by its rather slow attack speed. It's special V.A.T.S. attack is "Grand Slam", which does 200% damage at the cost of 35 action points (requires a Meleeskill of 50).
Baseball bat (GRA)Gun Runners' Arsenal, an identical variant that is capable of supporting mods.
Baseball bats are a common melee weapon for Fiends to spawn with.
Despite its low attack value, the baseball bat at full condition and good barter skill can be sold for around 250 caps.
The baseball bat's unique V.A.T.S. move is the Grand Slam, the same move used by the nail board and the shovel.
Behind the scenes[]
In the sport of baseball, a grand slam is a home run hit with all the bases occupied by baserunners, thereby scoring four runs — the most possible on a single play.