The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Notable MembersLarsen, other soldiers
HeadquartersBagger Camp
Notable LocationsOutside the Boulder Dome
Relations and associations
ParentNCR soldiers
Child EntitiesLarsen's Team, Presper's Team
Related EntitiesPresper's NCR Soldiers
Gametitle-VBThe following is based on Van Buren and has not been confirmed by canon sources.

The Baggers are a collective team of NCR military soldiers and escorts whom are locked out of the Boulder Dome in 2253. They are a very small (and struggling) faction in the Southwestern Commonwealth of the U.S.


Larsen and his team ("the Baggers") were originally the military escort team for Goddard. President Tandi was responsible for gathering the group of men assigned to protect him.

First, the escort traveled to Denver, but the soldiers got bored there, so they left. They were the team accompanying goddard when he discovered the Boulder Dome around 2247. However, after Victor Presper decided to re-allocate to the Dome, Larsen's team traveled to the Hoover Dam with Goddard to settle down. Of course, they were paid for their services. Then, in 2250, they traveled with Goddard, Agnes, and the Galenski's back to the Dome in hopes of reclaiming it from Presper and his military team.

Once there, Presper left, having accomplished what he came there for. There-in, Larsen and his soldiers became the guards for the scientists in the Dome.

Interactions with the player character[]

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The Baggers did not appear, nor were mentioned in any published games, but were to appear in Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios.


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Design Document
PeopleScientistsAgnes · Donald · Goddard · James · Nina · Paul · Think Tank · Xian · ZAX
TruckersBillie · Eddie Galenski · Helen Galenski · Jack · Joshua · Ribera · Tanner · Tyler
JackalsBanshee · Crazy Bitch · Howler
PlacesBoulder Train Station · Jackal Camp · Bagger Camp · Dead Ghoul Graveyard · Boulder Dome Level 1 · Boulder Dome Level 2 · Boulder Dome Level 3 · Dome Tunnels · ZAX Mainframe
QuestsBoulder Scientists Research or Write · Code Yourself Smarter · Defeat the Baggers/Larsen's Team · Destroy the Jackals · Destroy the Truck · Dope Radaway for Larsen · Dump Allies In the Dome · Establish Radio Contact & Trade With Denver · Find out about Wagner · Find Out What ZAX is Calculating · Fix Things In the Dome · Get the Medical Implants · Give Slaves to Boulder to Make Robobrains · Heal Helen's Kids · Jimmy the Cannibal · Quarantine the Glow Bugs · Research Plague Data · Robobrain a CNPC · Sleep Through Presper's Holocaust · Stabilize the Reactor · Take Computer Classes · Tell the BOS about the Dome · Trade Holodisks to the Geeks · Use Think Tank for Data