A veteran Brotherhood warrior whose skill in combat outstrips his skill in diplomacy (which once nearly caused a fight with a Megaton resident), Bael is tasked with filtering any visitors to the Citadel. In recent times, this means any and all people who are not members of the Brotherhood.[1][2][3] This suits him just fine, as he views "civilians" with contempt. His bad attitude is certainly as much of a gate to the Citadel as the giant hunk of metal behind him.[4]
Daily schedule[]
Bael stands at the Citadel's gate guarding it until Take it Back! is completed.
Interactions with the player character[]
Interactions overview[]
This character is essential. Essential characters cannot be killed.
The Waters of Life: Bael tries to deny entrance to the Lone Wanderer and the rest of the refugees from Project Purity until Li appeals to Lyons directly.
↑The Lone Wanderer: "Can I come in?" Bael: "Negative. No Super Mutants, civilians or traveling salesmen allowed. Which are you?" (Bael's dialogue)
↑The Lone Wanderer: "I can come in now... right?" Bael: "That's an affirmative. You're clear to enter. But I still don't like it. Or you." (Bael's dialogue)
↑The Lone Wanderer: "What can you tell me about the Brotherhood of Steel?" Bael: "I can see you're trying to appeal to my good nature. Pity for you I don't have one. I'll give you this one for free -- we use our big guns to kill big Super Mutants, so people like you can sleep at night." (Bael's dialogue)