The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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Austin Engill
Austin Engill
Biography and appearance
LocationVault 81
FamilyPriscilla Penske (adoptive grandmother)
Dialogue FileAustin Engill's dialogue
QuestsHole in the Wall
Base ID00000000Ref ID00000000
ActorJack Riedy

Austin Engill is a resident of Vault 81 in 2287.


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Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk empathy synthesizer
This character is involved in quests.

Hole in the Wall


  • Hole in the Wall - Austin, following Bobby to his stash of Jet, somehow becomes infected with a mysterious disease through a Molerat bite. The only way to cure him is to follow Bobby to his stash, a hole in the wall that actually leads to a secret sector in the vault. It's revealed in this quest, after the Sole Survivor goes through the hidden science sector (full of infected Molerats), the true purpose of Vault 81. Once they get through the sector, find the cure (and the companion Curie, to boot), and get back to the clinic, they will have three choices regarding who gets the cure. Austin will die if the cure is kept or shared, but if it is given to him, will wake up from his bed alive and well.

Other interactions[]

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Icon armored vault suit
Child's Vault 81 Jumpsuit
Assault carbine icon
Icon briefcase
Carried items
Icon male severed head
Drops on death


Austin Engill appears only in Fallout 4.

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