The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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Atlantic offices
Fo4 Atlantic Offices
Map MarkerAtlantic Offices
Part ofGlowing Sea
Cell NameGlowingSeaPOIJS02
zUnusedFinancial23 Cut contentIcon cut
ref id0000e730
0004d414 Cut contentIcon cut
TerminalsAtlantic Offices terminals

Atlantic Offices is a location in the Commonwealth.


This ancient office building, now half-buried in the irradiated soil of the Glowing Sea, is a nest of feral ghouls. The blown out wall leads to the ground floor, and several holes in the floor lead to the lower levels. Both levels have an elevator leading up the the roof, which is the site of a glowing one.

Just outside of the offices is the remnants of a pair of coaches, a buried bus stop and at least a dozen skeletons half buried in the dried muck.

Notable loot[]


Atlantic Offices appears only in Fallout 4.

Behind the scenes[]

The cut location of this building was to be across the street from the Shamrock Taphouse. One of the doors for which is able to be interacted with. Both however are simply deactivated and boarded up.
