The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Assassin suit
Assassin suit
Icon assassin suit
DT14Item HP500
EffectsSneak +10
Combat armor
Light armor
VariantsSneak suit
base idxx00e1b7
Gametitle-FNV DM
Gametitle-FNV DM

The assassin suit (or stealth suit Mk I) is a unique set of armor in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Dead Money.


It is the first working version of reverse-engineered stealth suits developed in the Big MT X-13 research facility. Unlike its successor, the stealth suit Mk II, it is not computerized in any way and functions as a regular suit of armor. As indicated by the game files, the assassin suit was worn by Christine Royce.[1]


The stealth suit is a streamline full body suit with protective attachments on the chest, shoulders, forearms and knees. The entire suit is a dull grey-green color perfect for blending in in urban settings. It provides a moderate Damage Threshold of 14, but weighs 20 pounds. Keeping true to its name, it also has a Sneak bonus of 10.


Name DT WG Durability Value Armor class Effects
Assassin suit 14 20 500 7500 Light armor +10 Sneak
Stealth suit Mk II 14 25 500 7500 Medium armor Sneak +15 (Firmware v1.0)
Sneak +10 (total +25) (Firmware v1.1)
Perception +1 (Firmware v1.2)
Agility +1 (Firmware v1.3)
Movement-speed while crouched +20% (Firmware v1.4)


  • It can be found in the medical district of the Sierra Madre, in the Villa clinic. After entering, go through the door on the right side, near the front desk. Then take the first right into a room with two corpses. In one corner of the room there will be two green tables. The assassin suit will be on one of those two tables next to a cosmic knife and a terminal.


  • Under the "effects" section in your Pip-Boy the assassin suit is referred to as "stealth suit".


  • PCIcon pc PlayStation 3Icon ps3 Xbox 360Icon xbox360 The left sleeve of the assassin suit clips through the Courier's Pip-Boy. This is most easily visible when using a two-handed gun, such as the hunting rifle.



  1. The Vault Boy icon of the assassin suit is called "nvdlc01apparel christine stealth suit"