Arturo Rodriguez is the affable, savvy gun merchant and smith, selling at Commonwealth Weaponry in the Diamond City market. He lives with his daughter Nina Rodriguez at his home in Diamond City. He, like his father before him, is a weapons dealer. Someday he hopes his daughter will also take up the mantle. He is also a Railroad operative.
↑Arturo Rodriguez: "Geiger counter, bud?" Deacon: "Mine is in the shop." Arturo Rodriguez: "You the guy about the article?" Deacon: "The one and only." Arturo Rodriguez: "I'd be careful around here. The target keeps late hours with strange visitors." Deacon: "That's not proof." Arturo Rodriguez: "Hey, not even Piper's dug up anything more yet." Deacon: "Got it. Keep your head down and no heroics." (Arturo Rodriguez's and Deacon's dialogue)
↑Arturo Rodriguez: "You know, I sold McDonough that gun he had. If I had known what he was... *sigh*..." (Arturo Rodriguez's dialogue)