After a hard couple of weeks of travel, things get even harder once the Happy Trails caravan enters Zion Canyon and a band of White Legs ambush the caravan.
Running ahead of the caravan and sniping all the ambushers won't help as some of them won't take any damage until they've killed all the caravan travelers, so saving your caravan is hopeless.
Accidentally killing Follows-Chalk will start the Chaos in Zion quest, which will cause you to fail the main quest line.
While talking to the Dead Horse Disciple of Canaan, an Intelligence stat check of 7 allows the player to demonstrate an understanding of the tribal dialect. You can also use the Sneering Imperialist perk.
The duffle bags located near the ambush site are safe to store items in until the add-on is completed.
PlayStation 3Xbox 360 Follows-Chalk may briefly appear as an enemy when attacking the White Legs. This can lead to the player accidentally killing him thus breaking the main quest.
PlayStation 3 Some White Legs may be non-hostile and too far away from the cliff to kill them, making the optional part of the quest impossible to complete.
Xbox 360 If you interrupt the dialogue during the opening of this quest by going to the load menu, the dialogue can lock up before Stella can say her final lines to Jed, leaving you unable to move with the other caravan members just standing around, saying nothing.
Xbox 360 One of the White Legs might become invincible if you leave the ambush without defeating them, thus making it impossible to complete the optional part of this quest.
Xbox 360 When reaching the area where the yao guai attacks, the game will crash every time, making it impossible to go further.
Xbox 360 During the ambush, the White Legs may become invisible until the combat is over.
Xbox 360 Jed Mastersons' body will not disappear after his death during the White Legs assault.
When first entering the Northern Passage and physically moving Ricky to close to the exit, he will disappear. The other caravaneers will still refer to him as if he were still there, and will cause a bug in the scripted event of your fellows being killed. After Stella shouts out she was once a sheriff, go to the end of the bridge, come back, and everyone will be dead and you can continue.