This page lists ArcJet Systems terminals.
Security Terminal[]
Note: This desk terminal is located on the desk in the security office.
ArcJet Systems | ArcNet
Security Office - Terminal 2
ArcNet Mail - Security Concerns[]
From: Thomas Reinhardt, CEO
To: All Security Personnel
I'd like to have your team get together and implement a new security strategy for the ArcJet complex. This is our first contract for the USSA, and I don't intend to have any security slip-ups while we're working on the XMB Booster Engine. I want you to double the coverage twenty-four hours a day, and install automated countermeasures inside the facility. I'd also like you to hire a consultant to figure out a better security password system for our terminals. The automated reset timer mailing out passwords is ridiculous.
ArcNet Mail - Turrets[]
From: Sam Brent, Security Lead
To: All ArcJet Employees
Starting tomorrow, we'll begin distributing identification badges to all employees. These badges must be worn at all times. They are infused with a low-yield radioactive isotope that will prevent our internal security turrets from accidentally shooting any of our own employees. If anyone is caught near the entrance to the Engine Core without a badge, we are not liable for the injuries you may sustain. The turrets will go online in one week, so I suggest you sign up for your badge as soon as possible.
ArcJet Mail - Engine Core Accident[]
From: Thomas Reinhardt, CEO
To: Sam Brent, Security Lead
Sam, what the Hell is going on down there? How did a member of the press get all the way past security, through the entire research facility and into the Engine Core without tripping our alarms or turrets? We have a real mess on our hands, and it's going to be your job to clean it up. I don't care how you do it, just make it all go away. If this comes back to bite us, I swear, you're going to be the one that takes the fall.
Lab Control Terminal[]
Note: This desk terminal is located on the central desk in the prototype testing lab.
ArcJet Systems | ArcNet
Prototype Testing Lab - Control Terminal
Lab Controls[]
...Accessing Prototype Interlink...
Unable to establish a connection to the prototype. Please contact a technician for assistance.
Lab Analyst's Terminal[]
Note: This desk terminal is located on the desk on the eastern wall, in the prototype testing lab.
ArcJet Systems | ArcNet
Prototype Testing Lab - Analyst Workstation 3
Reminder: Password Security[]
From: Sam Brent, Security Lead
To: All Staff
This is your annual reminder that all terminal and mainframe passwords are to be changed on a monthly basis. Failure to do so may result in automated changes, the suspension of network privilages, and/or diciplinary action. Please do your part in keeping ArcJet Systems secure.
Automated Password Change[]
Automated Password Change Notice
According to our records, your terminal password has not been changed in three (3) months. For security purposes, your password will now be reset.
Your new password is: 9YB3N.
This is an automated message. Please do not reply.
Lab Terminal[]
Note: This desk terminal is located on the desk in laboratory 5 of ArcJet research and development.
ArcJet Systems | ArcNet
ArcJet R&D - Lab 5
Lab Report - XMB Fuel Mixture 01[]
I'm still trying to convince Dr. McClellan that switching from uranium to deuterium will yield a much higher burn-to-thrust ratio. He's concerned that the deuterium refinement will add a few months to the XMB Booster's schedule, but my gut says it's worth the risk. I know that Reinhardt has us all working seven days a week on the project as it is, but I don't mind putting in the extra time if it means the booster's efficiency is improved.
Lab Report - XMB Fuel Mixture 02[]
Well, I did the best that I could. I showed my demonstration to Dr. McClellan and he was impressed. He took my notes directly to the board and asked for a project extension, but Reinhardt said no. I don't understand why it all comes down to money. We're sending a couple of men to Mars, and we want them to get there as safely and efficiently as possible. All those bastards care about is the fact that three more months on the schedule will cost them a few million dollars, and frankly, I'm getting sick of the bottom line dictating what we do in the laboratory. After we wrap this project, I'm going to look for work somewhere else.
Lab Report - Deep Range Transmitter 01[]
Now that the fuel issue's been settled, I've been moved off of the XMB Booster and onto the Deep Range Transmitter. Frankly, I think they're just pulling me off of the propulsion system because I'm the only one stupid enough to complain when things go wrong. So, instead of tweaking fuel mixtures and thermodynamics calculations, they have me fine-tuning one of our glorified radios. So glad I'm wasting my nuclear physics degree on that. My task is to increase the broadcast range on the DRT by at least 50% by the end of the month. Should be a piece of cake.
Lab Report - Deep Range Transmitter 02[]
Only took me three weeks, but I have the DRT's broadcast radius boosted by over seventy percent. With one of these beauties installed on the NSSA's ship, they should be able to ping a signal back and forth within ten minutes. Now all I have to do get the unit's size down by about half so it fits inside the required volume and I'll be finished. I hope they move me back to something more interesting after this.
CEO's Terminal[]
Note: This desk terminal is located on the end table in the CEO's office. It is locked xxxxx.
ArcJet Systems | ArcNet
Thomas Reinhardt's Private Terminal
Mars Shot Project Notes 08-2075[]
After six months the United States Space Administration finally approved ArcJet as the contractor for the Mars Shot Project's propulsion and communications systems. Having my team start working on the XMB Booster before we secured the contract was a gamble, but it looks like it's going to pay off big. We have a lot of details to hash out with the agency, and we have a lot of work ahead of us, but I think this contract will finally put ArcJet on the map.
Mars Shot Project Notes 09-2075[]
I was fortunate to be able to add Dr. Rory McClellan to the XMB Booster team today. There are few people who can match Dr. McClellan's aptitude with nuclear propulsion systems, so this truly was a coup. It cost the company a heck of a lot of money to hire him away from his military contracting job, but I'm sure it will be well worth every dollar. We've promised the USSA that the booster would be ready at least a year before their July 2078 launch date. With Dr. McClellan at the helm, we should be able to meet that deadline with time to spare.
Mars Shot Project Notes 12-2075[]
As the holiday season approaches, it's time to take a step back and look at everything that's happened to ArcJet Systems this year. Five months ago, my company was struggling to make ends meet. Now, with the XMB Booster and the Deep Range Transmitter projects in full swing, ArcJet appears to have received a second chance. Thanks to Dr. McClellan, we're on schedule and under budget. The USSA is thrilled with our progress and is already talking to me about future contracts after we deliver. I don't think it's possible to be ending the year on a better note.
Mars Shot Project Notes 03-2076[]
Dr. McClellan's informed me that we have a problem with the XMB Booster. The USSA is demanding that the engine can't exceed their strict weight allowance, but thanks to the uranium refinement subsystem, we're a few hundred tons over. We're now one month behind schedule, and I'm frankly starting to panic. Dr. McClellan assures me he'll find a solution soon, but that isn't helping me get to sleep at night.
Mars Shot Project Notes 07-2076[]
The USSA has started their public relations campaign for the Mars Shot Project and ArcJet Systems is finding itself caught right in the middle. In the last week, I think I've fielded fifteen separate interviews with everyone asking the same questions over and over again. They all want to know when we're delivering the XMB Booster so they can take their pretty pictures of the USSA test firing it for the first time. And all I can do is keep smiling and lying through my teeth that the XMB will be delivered when it's ready. I hope Dr. McClellan solves our weight problem soon, or we're never going to get a contract from the USSA ever again.
Mars Shot Project Notes 11-2076[]
I can't believe it, but Dr. McClellan's team finally solved the XMB's weight problem. Now all we need to do is finish tightening a few screws and hoist the thing up into the Engine Core. If we're lucky, we'll be able to test fire the booster right after the New Year. It's funny how things seem so bleak and chaotic during the year, but it all comes together for us just in time for the holidays.
Mars Shot Project Notes 02-2077[]
We've scheduled a photo opportunity tomorrow for the XMB Booster's first test firing in the Engine Core. We're going to stick them all down in the control room and let them shoot their pictures through the thermoglass window after Dr. McClellan gives them a short explanation of how the booster works. The engine puts out a hell of a lot of thrust, so it should be quite a spectacular show.
Mars Shot Project Notes 03-2077[]
It's been two weeks since the accident before the XMB Booster's test firing event. Somehow, a photographer managed to wander passed security and into the Engine Core a few hours early. Dr. McClellan was running a quick test on the booster, letting it run for only a few seconds to make sure it was ready for the demonstration and burned the photographer into ash. Thank God no one else saw what happened. I'm having Brent take care of the remains... after all, that's why I hired him. If word of this accident goes public, we'll be shut down and I may as well put a "For Sale" sign out front.
Mars Shot Project Notes 09-2077[]
All of the unrest overseas is making the USSA nervous about proceeding with the Mars Shot Project. They're telling me they may have to delay a year or more depending on what happens. If that's true, we'll just have to make due with the proceeds from the Deep Range Transmitter contract which we've already completed. I'm trying to keep everyone's spirits up around here, but it's getting harder and harder with the world falling apart around us. Hopefully, our goverment will work things out and we can all get back to work.
Repair Department Terminal[]
Note: This console computer is located in the computer room. It is locked Novice
ArcJet Systems | ArcNet
Repair Department Terminal - Here There Be Dragons
Repair Order 098A100[]
Repair Order: 098A100
Installed new terminal in Reinhardt's office. He's demanding some serious security on it now that we've got the Mars Shot contract. I'm not sure if he's being paranoid, or if he's got a real reason to worry. I'll set him up with the best we've got for now.
Repair Order 098A112[]
Repair Order: 098A112
Okay, now I'm convinced Reinhardt is paranoid. He's had me put in automated security turrets in the main hallway outside his office. You'd think we were working for the military instead of just the United States Space Administration.
Repair Order 098A115[]
Repair Order: 098A115
Got McClellan constantly bugging me that the mainframe keeps running out of space. I've ordered some more storage from our supplier, but we're rapidly running out of room down here for any more consoles. I might have to talk Reinhardt into letting us spill over into the office sections. Shouldn't be too much of a problem.
Repair Order 098A122[]
Repair Order: 098A122
Brent came down and had me pull all of the video surveillance records from the mainframe from last month. I asked if he wanted me to just make him backups, but he just grunted like he always does and demanded the originals. I have no idea what he's doing with them, and I don't want to know. As long as I keep getting a paycheck, I could care less.
Receptionist's Terminal[]
Note: This desk terminal is located on the counter in the receptionists booth.
ArcJet Systems | ArcNet
Reception Desk
ArcNet Mail - Floor Safe[]
From: Sam Brent, Security Lead
To: Front Reception
As requested, I've had a floor safe installed in the front office area. This should allow you to pay for any incoming deliveries or store valuables until they can be transferred to a more secure location. Let me know if you have any issues with the safe or the locking mechanism.
ArcNet Mail - Press[]
From: Thomas Reinhardt, CEO
To: All Reception Area Employees
I realize that our announcement regarding the Mars Shot Project has caused quite a lot of excitement with the national media. If any members of the press are requesting statements or interviews, please direct them to our Public Relations Department. Do not attempt to answer any questions or give any information regarding the project unless pre-authorization has been provided.
Facilities Terminal[]
Note: This desk terminal is located in the engine core facilities room.
ArcJet Systems | ArcNet
Engine Core - Facilities Room
Power Options[]
- Creation Kit ID
- BoS_DN017_FacilitiesTerminalPower
Start Auxiliary Generators[]
Accessing Auxiliary Generators...
Rerouting power from Auxiliary Generators...
...verifying grid integrity...
Power has been restored.
Note: Once the engine has been activated this is what appears.
Main Power: OFF
Aux Generators: ON
The Engine Core is operating on auxiliary power.
Project Manager's Terminal[]
Note: This desk terminal is located on a desk in the xxxxx. It is locked Expert.
ArcJet Systems | ArcNet
Dr. Roy McClellan's Terminal - Private
XMB Booster Notes - 10-2075[]
I'm thrilled to be working in the private sector again. Working for the military is a horrible, never-ending grind of broken promises, slashed budgets and ridiculous deadlines that I've learned to hate. Working on the XMB Booster finally allows me to broaden my horizons and work on something I've always dreamed of doing - helping send astronauts to Mars. Thomas appears to share my vision, so with his money and my knowhow, I'm certain we'll be able to deliver a superior product to the United States Space Administration.
XMB Booster Notes - 03-2076[]
I've had to deliver some bad news to Thomas today. I told him the booster is too heavy to fit within the USSA's guideline and we'll need more time than expected to work out the problem. I've never seen him so angry. His reaction reminded me of some of the army generals I've worked with in the past. He yelled for a while, but when he realized there wasn't much to be done about it, he calmed down and we worked it out. I think the weight issue might add anywhere from three to six months to the schedule, but we might get lucky and figure it out sooner. If we're any later than I'm predicting, I have a feeling I should start looking for a position somewhere else.
XMB Booster Notes - 11-2076[]
Thanks to some suggestions from my research team, and some sleepless nights, I've been able to reduce the XMB Booster's final shipping weight to literally seventeen pounds under the limit imposed by the USSA guidelines. Thomas was absolutely over the moon when I delivered the news, and my team took me to a local bar to celebrate. These are the moments that I cherish and why I dedicated my entire life to scientific research.
XMB Booster Notes - 02-2077[]
We were supposed to have a press event today, but Thomas has abruptly cancelled it only hours before it was about to begin. I'm confident that the XMB Booster was ready to test fire, so I was uncertain what caused his sudden change of heart. After speaking to Sam Brent, our head of security, he informed me that there was a possible security breach and he had recommended the entire event be postponed until a later date. I must say that this entire day has been very strange, and something tells me what Brent is telling me isn't entirely true.
XMB Booster Notes - 10-2077[]
I can't believe what I discovered today. I was going through our video recordings of all past test firings for the XMB, and I came across the carbon burn-off pre-test I did back in February.
On one of the angles, I swear I saw someone running across the bottom of the Engine Core right before the booster ignited. I took the tape straight up to Thomas and threw it on his desk. He took one look at the tape and then told me what happened to that poor man being burned alive. Then he told me how he had Brent cover the accident up! I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I told him I was going to head straight to the police, but he threatened my life - and my family's life.
Now I don't know what to do. I think I have no choice but to bring the tape directly to the press tomorrow and hope the authorities can stop Thomas before he does anything stupid.
Engine Core Control Terminal[]
Note: This desk terminal is located in the engine core central control room, on the central desk. check for alternate header! pre quest!
ArcJet Systems | ArcNet
Engine Core - Central Control
Current Engine: Thermal Engine Prototype G12
Engine Status: TEST COMPLETE
Efficiency Rating: 96.7%
Begin Test Fire[]
Note: This is displayed before the engine core has been fired.
Connecting to Engine Core Control Systems... failed.
A fault has been detected in relay 0x094. Please contact the Engine Core Facilities Supervisor for repairs.
Manual operation may still be possible from the facilities office on the lower level.
Note: This is displayed after the engine core has been fired.
ERR 081: Fuel reserves at 0.5%. Refueling required.