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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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Fallout: New Vegas dialogue project
This article is within the scope of the Fallout: New Vegas dialogue project. This project is designed to allow users to link to pages containing a character's dialogue for simpler and cleaner references by sorting through, cleaning up and categorizing quotes from every major character in Fallout: New Vegas.. If you want to participate, please check the project page.
Andy's dialogue (Fallout: New Vegas)
Game Information
NPCAndy (Fallout: New Vegas)
Data FileFalloutNV.esm

Dialogue file table[]

Dialogue file
Topic RangerAndyStationReturnWithLog I found out who killed the Rangers at Station Charlie. I'm afraid to ask. VFreeformN_RangerAndyStati_0008F06F_1
Topic RangerAndyWhatDoYouDo What do you do here, Andy? Right now? A whole lot of sitting on my keister and counting cracks in the ceiling. I wouldn't wish it on anybody. VDialogueN_RangerAndyWhatD_0008F06D_1
Topic RangerAndyWhatDoYouDo What do you do here, Andy? On better days I help keep the peace. Boone and Vargas watch the road, I watch the town. Tell myself I'm doing some good. VDialogueN_RangerAndyWhatD_0008F06D_2
Topic SnipersRevengeWrongWithBoone What's wrong with Boone? Had his wife taken. I don't think he'll ever be the same as he was. Damn shame. VFreeformN_SnipersRevengeW_00090A75_1
Topic SnipersRevengeWrongWithBoone What's wrong with Boone? I told the Rangers up at the station to keep an eye out, but there's just too much ground out there for them to cover. VFreeformN_SnipersRevengeW_00090A75_2
Topic RangerAndyStationProbablyNothing A station full of Rangers ought to be able to handle themselves. Yeah, who am I kidding? It's funny, you get stuck in your room for a few weeks, you start to worry the world's gonna fall apart without you. VFreeformN_RangerAndyStati_0008F07D_1
Topic RangerAndyStationProbablyNothing A station full of Rangers ought to be able to handle themselves. Those guys are fine. They don't need me looking over their shoulders. VFreeformN_RangerAndyStati_0008F07D_2
Topic VMQ01LookingForManny I'm looking for a man in a checkered coat. Have you seen anyone like that? No, but I've been laid up for a while now. Haven't been able to keep an eye on things like usual. VDialogueN_VMQ01LookingFor_00160271_1
Topic VMQ01LookingForManny I'm looking for a man in a checkered coat. Have you seen anyone like that? It's a small town, though. I'm sure someone would've noticed somebody like that if they came this way. VDialogueN_VMQ01LookingFor_00160271_2
Topic VFreeformNovacRangerAndyTopic000 <Lie> I think the attackers were dead too... so it's... hard to tell. In Ranger school, they teach you how to spot a liar. I don't know why you're lying, but have it your way. We'll protect this town or die trying. VFreeformN_VFreeformNovacR_0015EF39_1
Topic RangerAndyStationCompletion RangerAndyStationCompletion Well, thanks for telling me. I know that knowledge didn't come without risk. VFreeformN_RangerAndyStati_0015EF36_1
Topic RangerAndyStationCompletion RangerAndyStationCompletion Here. Take this, courtesy of the Ranger veterans fund. VFreeformN_RangerAndyStati_0015EF36_2
Topic RangerAndyStationCompletion RangerAndyStationCompletion Tell you what. I'll pay you for what you did, but I'll do you one better, too. VFreeformN_RangerAndyStati_0015EF37_1
Topic RangerAndyStationCompletion RangerAndyStationCompletion There's a move we have in the Rangers for knocking an opponent off his feet. Saved my butt a bunch of times, maybe it will for you too. VFreeformN_RangerAndyStati_0015EF37_2
Topic RangerAndyStationCompletion RangerAndyStationCompletion Let me show you how it's done. VFreeformN_RangerAndyStati_0015EF37_3
Topic VDialogueNovacRangerAndyTopic002 Tell me about the Rangers. They're the NCR's finest. A one-man platoon, each of 'em. VDialogueN_VDialogueNovacR_0015EF32_1
Topic VDialogueNovacRangerAndyTopic002 Tell me about the Rangers. You got a job where even thinking about it would scare a man senseless, that's when you bring in the Rangers. VDialogueN_VDialogueNovacR_0015EF32_2
Topic VDialogueNovacRangerAndyTopic002 Tell me about the Rangers. And if you see a squad of the veterans - guys who earned their black armor... well... you won't find a more beautiful sight. VDialogueN_VDialogueNovacR_0015EF32_3
Topic RangerAndyWithNCR You're with the NCR, right? Was. Was with them. That was back when my arm and leg used to work better. VDialogueN_RangerAndyWithN_0008F071_1
Topic RangerAndyWithNCR You're with the NCR, right? I still like to pretend I'm a Ranger, though. I'll check in with the guys up at the station pretty regular on the ham radio. VDialogueN_RangerAndyWithN_0008F071_2
Topic RangerAndyWithNCR You're with the NCR, right? Sometimes they stop by, tell me they're paying their respects, the smug bastards. VDialogueN_RangerAndyWithN_0008F071_3
Topic RangerAndyWithNCR You're with the NCR, right? They haven't been responding to me, last couple of days. I guess they got tired of hearing me talk, but it's still got me a little worried. VDialogueN_RangerAndyWithN_0008F071_4
Topic RangerAndyWithNCR You're with the NCR, right? Hell, listen to me talk. Like some damn mother hen. VDialogueN_RangerAndyWithN_0008F071_5
Topic RangerAndyStationReportUnsure Actually, I'm still not sure. Please, if you know the truth, tell me. Those guys were friends of mine. VFreeformN_RangerAndyStati_0008F074_1
Topic RangerAndyStationReportUnsure Actually, I'm still not sure. Okay. Keep me posted. VFreeformN_RangerAndyStati_0008F075_1
Topic SnipersRevengeComeOutside Come with me. There's something you should see, in front of the dinosaur. As long as we don't go too far. Jeannie May would have a fit if she saw me out and about. VFreeformN_SnipersRevengeC_00090A77_1
Topic SnipersRevengeComeOutside Come with me. There's something you should see, in front of the dinosaur. Any excuse to get out of my room. VFreeformN_SnipersRevengeC_00090A78_1
Conversation GOODBYE Goodbye. Hey, uh. Wait a sec. I know what I said, but... if you find yourself by Ranger Station Charlie, let me know what you find. I'd be interested. VDialogueNovac_GOODBYE_0008F07F_1
Conversation GOODBYE Goodbye. Look out for yourself. VDialogueNovac_GOODBYE_0008F080_1
Conversation HELLO Hello Hey. Welcome. VDialogueNovac_HELLO_000CE545_1
Topic SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure No, I don't think I have much to offer in that department either. Too many blows to the head during combat drills. VDialogueN_SpeechChallenge_0008F07B_1
Topic RangerAndyStationRansacked I went to the ranger station. Everyone there was wiped out. What? What happened? VFreeformN_RangerAndyStati_0008F06E_1
Topic RangerAndyStationLookIntoOffer Would you feel better if I checked on your NCR friends for you? Uh... no. No. They're gonna think I'm having trouble letting go. They're good soldiers. I don't give them enough credit. VFreeformN_RangerAndyStati_0008F06A_1
Topic SnipersRevengeBooneWife What can you tell me about Boone's wife? Carla was a knockout. Whenever Boone walked around with her, he always had this funny grin on his face like he couldn't believe his luck. VFreeformN_SnipersRevengeB_00090A74_1
Topic SnipersRevengeBooneWife What can you tell me about Boone's wife? I know {emph}we couldn't. VFreeformN_SnipersRevengeB_00090A74_2
Topic SnipersRevengeBooneWife What can you tell me about Boone's wife? That wasn't the only reason she stuck out, though. That girl never minced words. VFreeformN_SnipersRevengeB_00090A74_3
Topic SnipersRevengeBooneWife What can you tell me about Boone's wife? If she'd had better food or hospitality, she'd let you hear it. Trouble was, she usually had. VFreeformN_SnipersRevengeB_00090A74_4
Topic SnipersRevengeBooneWife What can you tell me about Boone's wife? I don't think she meant it. She really was a sweet girl. VFreeformN_SnipersRevengeB_00090A74_5
Topic SnipersRevengeBooneWife What can you tell me about Boone's wife? I think she just wanted to remind herself that there are still nicer places in this world than Novac. Who could blame her for that? VFreeformN_SnipersRevengeB_00090A74_6
Topic SnipersRevengeTooFar SnipersRevengeTooFar Hey, I'm sorry, but I've gotta turn around. Leg's giving me some trouble. VFreeformN_SnipersRevengeT_00090A79_1
Topic VDialogueNovacRangerAndyTopic000 Hey, just because you're idle and you'll never walk again... I forgot where I was going with that. {Trying to be polite after getting unintentionally offended}I'm sure it was very inspiring. VDialogueN_VDialogueNovacR_0015EF40_1
Topic VDialogueNovacRangerAndyTopic001 What did you do? I go to grab him out of there and I notice he's holding something in his hand. Something metal. VDialogueN_VDialogueNovacR_0015EF35_1
Topic VDialogueNovacRangerAndyTopic001 What did you do? He shuts himself back inside the closet and that's when I see the grenade he's left by my feet. VDialogueN_VDialogueNovacR_0015EF35_2
Topic VDialogueNovacRangerAndyTopic001 What did you do? They do it a lot, the Legion. Using kids. They know we'll hesitate. VDialogueN_VDialogueNovacR_0015EF35_3
Topic VDialogueNovacRangerAndyTopic001 What did you do? Anyway, that was the first time. Second time I fell down those stairs in front of the motel. Just in case I got to thinking I'd put it all behind me. VDialogueN_VDialogueNovacR_0015EF35_4
Topic RangerAndyLeg Did you do something to your leg? Yeah. Twice. Actually the first time it was more like half my body. Knocked me out of the Rangers. VDialogueN_RangerAndyLeg_0008F08D_1
Topic RangerAndyLeg Did you do something to your leg? This time it's mostly just reminded me how useless I've gotten. VDialogueN_RangerAndyLeg_0008F08D_2
Topic RangerAndyLegStory What happened? A few years back, we get a tip that some Legion slavers were holed up in this burnt out house a few klicks from where we were stationed. VDialogueN_RangerAndyLegSt_0008F076_1
Topic RangerAndyLegStory What happened? We get there and it's deserted. No sign anyone's been there. I mean nothing. As we're leaving, I hear something behind me. VDialogueN_RangerAndyLegSt_0008F076_2
Topic RangerAndyLegStory What happened? I turn around and there's this kid, just skin and bone, and he's looking up at us and he's scared half to death. Been hiding in a closet. VDialogueN_RangerAndyLegSt_0008F076_3
Topic RangerAndyStationAcceptLogQuest I'll come back when I know more. Be careful out there. VFreeformN_RangerAndyStati_0008F07E_1
Topic RangerAndyStationDeclineLogQuest I'm not interested in this town's problems. Sorry you feel that way. Then again, I'm not so sure I want to know who did this, myself. VFreeformN_RangerAndyStati_0008F090_1
Topic RangerAndyStationNCRWeak The Rangers are soft. They're probably already dead. Obviously you don't know the first damn thing about the Rangers. Without them, nobody in these parts would be safe. VFreeformN_RangerAndyStati_0008F073_1
Topic RangerAndyStationNCRWeak The Rangers are soft. They're probably already dead. No, I'm getting all worked up for nothing. Those boys are just fine. VFreeformN_RangerAndyStati_0008F073_2
Topic RangerAndyStationReportLie <Lie> The attackers are all dead too. It's impossible to identify them. Those were good men at the station. Good men. This whole town was sleeping a lot easier because of them. VFreeformN_RangerAndyStati_0008F08A_1
Topic RangerAndyStationReportLie <Lie> The attackers are all dead too. It's impossible to identify them. At least they gave somebody some hell on their way out. VFreeformN_RangerAndyStati_0008F08A_2
Topic RangerAndyStationReportLie <Lie> The attackers are all dead too. It's impossible to identify them. Those were good men at the station. Good men. This whole town was sleeping a lot easier because of them. VFreeformN_RangerAndyStati_0008F08B_1 VFreeformN_RangerAndyStati_0008F08A_1
Topic RangerAndyStationReportLie <Lie> The attackers are all dead too. It's impossible to identify them. At least they gave somebody some hell on their way out. VFreeformN_RangerAndyStati_0008F08B_2 VFreeformN_RangerAndyStati_0008F08A_2
Topic RangerAndyStationReportLie <Lie> The attackers are all dead too. It's impossible to identify them. Well, thanks for telling me. I know that knowledge didn't come without risk. VFreeformN_RangerAndyStati_0008F08B_3
Topic RangerAndyStationReportNoDetails I don't know the details. I just saw a lot of dead rangers. God damn it! I just spoke to them the other day. If this is some kind of sick joke- VFreeformN_RangerAndyStati_0008F072_1
Topic RangerAndyStationReportNoDetails I don't know the details. I just saw a lot of dead rangers. <Sighs> Nah, that'd be too far, even for those guys. VFreeformN_RangerAndyStati_0008F072_2
Topic RangerAndyStationReportNoDetails I don't know the details. I just saw a lot of dead rangers. Listen, this could be trouble for all of us. Whoever did this is still out there, and they might come this way. VFreeformN_RangerAndyStati_0008F072_3
Topic RangerAndyStationReportNoDetails I don't know the details. I just saw a lot of dead rangers. If you can find out who did this, we can be better prepared to deal with them if they come through here. VFreeformN_RangerAndyStati_0008F072_4
Topic RangerAndyStationReportTrue Members of Caesar's Legion ambushed them. Those were good men at the station. Good men. This whole town was sleeping a lot easier because of them. VFreeformN_RangerAndyStati_0008F088_1
Topic RangerAndyStationReportTrue Members of Caesar's Legion ambushed them. Now, who knows what we're in for? The Legion? Christ, we'd be better off with Raiders. VFreeformN_RangerAndyStati_0008F088_2
Topic RangerAndyStationReportTrue Members of Caesar's Legion ambushed them. Those were good men at the station. Good men. This whole town was sleeping a lot easier because of them. VFreeformN_RangerAndyStati_0008F089_1 VFreeformN_RangerAndyStati_0008F088_1
Topic RangerAndyStationReportTrue Members of Caesar's Legion ambushed them. Now, who knows what we're in for? The Legion? Christ, we'd be better off with Raiders. VFreeformN_RangerAndyStati_0008F089_2 VFreeformN_RangerAndyStati_0008F088_2
Topic RangerAndyStationReportTrue Members of Caesar's Legion ambushed them. Well, thanks for telling me. I know that knowledge didn't come without risk. VFreeformN_RangerAndyStati_0008F089_3
Topic RangerAndyUsefulKnowledge Your body is injured, not your mind. You're kidding yourself if you think you're useless. Heh. People don't exactly line up to find out what's in my head. Can't remember the last time someone suggested I knew something worth knowing. VDialogueN_RangerAndyUsefu_0008F070_1
Topic RangerAndyUsefulKnowledge Your body is injured, not your mind. You're kidding yourself if you think you're useless. You know, maybe there's something I can do for you. Since you've gone to all the trouble of flattering a crippled old soldier. VDialogueN_RangerAndyUsefu_0008F070_2
Topic RangerAndyUsefulKnowledge Your body is injured, not your mind. You're kidding yourself if you think you're useless. There's a move we have in the Rangers for knocking an opponent off his feet. Saved my butt a bunch of times, maybe it will for you too. VDialogueN_RangerAndyUsefu_0008F070_3
Topic RangerAndyUsefulKnowledge Your body is injured, not your mind. You're kidding yourself if you think you're useless. Let me show you how it's done. VDialogueN_RangerAndyUsefu_0008F070_4
Topic RangerAndySomethingElse Let's talk about something else. <Laughs>Yeah. I'm with you there. VDialogueN_RangerAndySomet_0008F08E_1
Topic RangerAndySomethingElse Let's talk about something else. Like what? VDialogueN_RangerAndySomet_0008F08F_1
Topic GREETING GREETING We haven't met yet. You must be new in town. I'm Andy. VDialogueNovac_GREETING_0008F093_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Boy you picked that takedown right up. I'm impressed. Must've had some prior training, huh? VDialogueNovac_GREETING_0008F094_1
Topic GREETING GREETING You'll get the hang of that takedown. I had trouble learning it at first, too. VDialogueNovac_GREETING_0008F0AE_1
Topic GREETING GREETING What's new? VDialogueNovac_GREETING_0008F0B6_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Any word on Station Charlie? VFreeformNovac_GREETING_0008F091_1