The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Andrew Station
377160 20160531172815 1
Worldmap Loc Img 167
Map MarkerAndrew Station
FactionsChancer's raiders
Eddie Winter
QuestsLong Time Coming
Cell NameAndrewStationExt
AndrewStation01 (interior)
ref id0000e170
00074d28 (interior)
TerminalsAndrew Station terminals

Andrew station is a location in the Commonwealth.


Before the Great War, Andrew Station was an intermodal transit station allowing passengers to switch between bus travel and subway as needed. It's all that remains in South Boston of Andrew Square, named after John Albion Andrew, a notable abolitionist, politician, and founder of the first statewide police in the United States. In a fit of irony, the subway station named after him was converted in the 21st century to include secret smuggling tunnels used by infamous gangster Eddie Winter; currently, a crew of raiders led by Chancer are combing the tunnels for any of Winter's stashes.[1]



Behind the wooden gates defending the station are stair leading directly down into the subway. Beyond the entrance, ticket desks line the south wall and there is a chemistry station and cooking station on the west side of the camp. Staircases on the west and north sides of the camp lead up to the rooftop of the station. The rooftop has some shacks that serve as living quarters; there is a weapons workbench and armor workbench in the southwest corner.


The entrance of the station leads down to the main boarding platform and some shacks and alcoves used by the raiders for living quarters. The subway tunnel to the north leads further into the subway; this section can either be accessed through an Advanced locked door in the center of the tunnel, or by going through hallways off to the side guarded by a turret.

The living quarter connected behind the Advanced lock contains a weapons workbench. Further down the way is a cooking station next to a halted subway car. The tunnel terminates at a mountain of rubble, but a hole in the wall leads to more of the raider settlement. The tunnels are basic, take a few turns and lead to a boxing ring. Halfway up the the hallway in the back, there is a tucked away hallway that leads to Eddie Winter's hideout. Up some stairs and through a busted wall is the Southie Speakeasy beneath Joe's Spruckies Sandwich Shop.


Notable loot[]

  • The "Cometh the Trickster" issue of Grognak the Barbarian, is located outside north of the station, in a yellow house with a bus crashed on top of it.
  • Eddie's Peace, on Eddie Winter in his hideout
  • A Stealth Boy is found in the main boarding platform room, in a Novice locked room in the southwest of the platform.
  • x2 Nuka Cherry
  • To Clair, in Eddie Winter's hideout


Andrew Station appears only in Fallout 4.


  1. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.514: "[18.03] ANDREW STATION
    This bus station and subway system is said to contain a number of secret smuggling passageways used by the infamous prewar gangster Eddie Winter. Currently, Raiders are combing the tunnels for evidence of Winter’s stash. The exterior station is well defended by Raiders. Note the wall safe (Advanced) at one of the counters."
    (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map)