To survive against the Scorched plague that spreads among the humans of Appalachia, the Responders attempted to create a vaccine years ago. The project was not successful at preventing their demise, but maybe Dr Hudson left behind enough data to complete it and save the Vault 76 dwellers?
After completing Final Departure, the next stop is Charleston and the AVR Medical Center. Hudson's lab is located in the south-western corner of the facility, in the basement (either drop down through the cafeteria floor or use the staircase by the street exit). Use the terminal to learn the story and that she almost completed her research - almost. The automatic software set up by the good doctor is set up to auto-create a vaccine from the DNA of mole rats, feral ghouls, and wolves to create a vaccine.
The players need to collect that and a T-type fuse. The fuse can be found at Greg's Mine Supply, in the sealed-off store, in the storage room. Access can be gained by entering the basement of the building on the northern side of the road, then using the tunnel to enter the basement of the shop.
Each of the animals is located in the wilderness around Charleston: Mole rats are in the river bed, west of the Charleston Trainyard, feral ghouls are found all over Charleston, mostly in the eastern parts and around the Capitol Building, while wolves are up the hill southeast of Charleston, up towards The Ash Heap.
Once the player has all four ingredients, they just need to get back to the AVR Medical Center and Hudson's lab, place the replacement fuse in the fuse box under the stairs, put the blood samples in the centrifuge by the AVR medical terminal, analyze them, then use the Sympto-Matic to inoculate themselves. Claire Hudson's recording will play, directing the player to the Fire Breathers of the Charleston Fire Department - or what's left of them.