The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Allied Technologies offices
FNV Allied Tech Ext
FNV Allied Tech Int
Icon building
Allied Technologies Offices loc
Map MarkerAllied Technologies Offices
Cell NameSLAlliedTechnologiesOffices (exterior)
SLAlliedTechnologiesOfficesINT (int.)
ref id000dac63 (exterior)
001524be (interior)
TerminalsAllied Technologies offices terminals

Allied Technologies offices is a location in Fallout: New Vegas, directly south of Camp McCarran's exterior wall.


This office building lies on the edge of what's considered civilized territory, south of the broken chainlink fence that once separated McCarran airport's landing strips from the world at large. Now it's the boundary of territory under firm NCR control, with several NCR trooper patrolling the old tarmac on the north side of the building, while Fiends, Vipers, and fire ants roam the area south of the offices. The last are particularly plentiful due to the nearby ant mound. Skirmishes are common.

The inside of the building has been taken over by giant ants completely. Much of the building is completely ruined. The intact areas include the office space, just right from the main lobby (where someone enamored with Sunset Sarsaparilla has worked, judging by the sheer number of empty bottles), and the cafeteria through the corridor running down the middle of the building, with several vending machines and a broken terminal.

Notable loot[]


Allied Technologies offices appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.
