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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Allen Lee
377160 20160515130352 1
Biography and appearance
AffiliationFar Harbor
LocationFar Harbor
FamilySandra Lee (sister)
Dialogue FileAllen Lee's dialogue
QuestsWalk in the Park
Cleansing the Land
The Way Life Should Be
Editor IDDLC03AllenLee
Base IDxx000000Ref IDxx000000

Allen Lee is a shopkeeper living at Far Harbor in 2287.


Headstrong and stubborn, Allen Lee has lost plenty to the Island and its radioactive fog. He is the source of the entire conflict between Far Harbor and the Children of Atom camped out at the Nucleus, as he killed the missionary who came into the town to preach that the radioactive fog is the vehicle of divine will and the denizens of Far Harbor deserve death. Adamant that the missionary pulled first, Avery wanted to punish him, but with the conflict already boiling over, doing so would only cause more harm.[1][2][3]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

This character is a merchant. Sells: Weapons, ammunition, consumables. Sells the unique Admiral's Friend and Fish Catcher.
Perk empathy synthesizer
This character is involved in quests.

Walk in the Park
Cleansing the Land
The Way Life Should Be

Other interactions[]

  • As with other characters at Far Harbor, his dialogue will change after each quest is accomplished.


Icon armored vault suit
Gunner flannel shirt and jeans
Gray knit cap
Leather chest piece
Assault carbine icon
Assault rifle
Icon briefcase
Carried items
Icon male severed head
Drops on death
No additional items


Allen Lee appears only in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor.


  1. The Sole Survivor: "What's the deal with the Children of Atom?"
    Avery: "They're religious folk. Worship the power of Atom. Which is... radiation, I guess? If you want details you'd have to find and ask them. We used to have a peace with them, until a certain hothead menace named Allen Lee-"
    Allen Lee: "Now, that's enough. That preacher came into the Harbor saying that it was Atom's will that we lost our land. That it was Atom's god damned will that we lost so many friends and family. And that the Atom would wipe this whole place clean of us."
    Avery: "If it were up to me, you'd hang for what you did to that preacher, Allen."
    (Avery's and Allen Lee's dialogue)
  2. The Sole Survivor: "What did he do to that preacher?"
    Avery: "Allen pulled a gun on him. He claims the preacher reached for his. We don't have police. Or really any law. Just custom and popular sentiment. And after everything the preacher said, it was abundantly clear doing anything to Allen would've made matters worse."
    (Avery's dialogue)
  3. The Sole Survivor: "Have the Children made the Fog worse?"
    Avery: "Absolutely not. There's not one bit of evidence."
    Allen Lee: "Geiger counters don't lie, Avery. The Fog's gotten more lethal year over year. And now the Fog's covering the whole island. But only after the Children came."
    Avery: "You know as well as I do, that's happened before. Sure, people have theories the Children are involved. But no one - and I mean no one - has proof."
    (Avery's and Allen Lee's dialogue)