The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Alien biogel
FO3MZ alien biogel
Icon FO3MZ biogel
+10 Hit Points
+1 Random effects (50% chance) for 30 seconds
Base IDxx007a6b
Gametitle-FO3 MZ
Gametitle-FO3 MZ

Alien biogel is a consumable item in the Fallout 3 add-on, Mothership Zeta.


Alien biogel restores +10 hit points when consumed. The biogel also has the added side effect "Biochemical Anomaly", which has a 50% chance of causing one of ten additional random side effects that lasts for a period of 30 seconds. Additionally, using more than one biogel can cause more than one effect to occur at the same time, although it is not possible to stack the same effect i.e. be affected by the same random effect multiple times at once.

Effects of Biochemical Anomaly[]

¹ The reduced Endurance does not lower the players health, but does reduces resistance
² The lowered Intelligence does not reduce skill points when leveling

Effects of Medicine skill[]

10+12 Hit Point60+22 Hit Point
20+14 Hit Point70+24 Hit Point
30+16 Hit Point80+26 Hit Point
40+18 Hit Point90+28 Hit Point
50+20 Hit Point100+30 Hit Point



  • In some alien crates aboard Mothership Zeta.
  • It also can be found on alien workers and abominations.
  • Usually at least one found on a table in small rooms throughout the ship.
  • Sally can give you 1-3 of these if asked if she's found anything on the ship after completing This Galaxy Ain't Big Enough....


  • Each effect only has a 5% chance of being drawn. This means there is a 25% of obtaining a positive effect, but also that there is 25% chance of obtaining a negative one on the first use, and a 50% chance of no bonus.
