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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Aerotech office park
22380 20180925133223 1
FNV Aerotech Park
Icon district
Aerotech Office Park loc
Map MarkerAerotech Office Park
BuildingsAerotech suite 200
Aerotech suite 300
Aerotech tent
FactionsNew California Republic (post-War)
LeadersCaptain Parker
DoctorsBert Gunnarsson
QuestsLeft My Heart
The Coyotes
Keith's Caravan Charade
Cell NameAerotechOfficePark
ref id00173ca6

This here's where folks go when their luck runs out. Drifters up from the Republic, locals that can't turn a dime, drunken reprobates from all around. If you don't have the caps to get onto the Strip, odds are you'll end up here.

Captain Parker

Aerotech office park is an New California Republic refugee camp in the Mojave Wasteland. It is located east of Camp McCarran and south-east of NCR sharecropper farms.


Once an office park housing numerous aerotech companies that proliferated in the Las Vegas and Henderson area, the former corporate offices have been converted into a shelter for refugees and people down on their luck. NCR drifters, locals who can't find work, and others who have tumbled down the social ladder until they hit rock bottom.[1] Many are hopefuls who tried to make it big on the Strip, only to wind up losing all of their money, to the point they cannot get back home. Some try to find honest work in Vegas to make enough money back to move on, but most remain stuck in a perpetual cycle of hopelessness, exploited by crooked merchants taking what little they have through crooked gambling or selling liquor.[2][3]

The Army tries to provide the basic necessities: A place to sleep, water, food, and basic medical care, but it's only enough to keep the people from dying. To make things worse, the shortage of personnel makes it impossible for Captain Parker, the head of the camp, to protect everyone. People have gone missing without a trace, while one of the local crooks, Keith, had the gall to set up in one of the suites with a rigged gambling ring.[4] The Followers lend a hand through Bert Gunnarsson, but the Mormon ghoul mostly ministers to those trapped at aerotech, unable to change the situation on his own.[4][5]


Surrounded by a junk fence, the office park is a separate worldspace. It has a central courtyard with a dead tree in it, with office suites located in the buildings that surround it. Most of them are boarded up, with only number 200 and 300 available for use. The NCR also set up a separate tent to house the refugees, just by the entrance to the park.



* Only if the reactor is left intact at the conclusion of Hard Luck Blues.

Notable loot[]

Related quests[]

Behind the scenes[]

Spare Us the Cutter
  • Horowitz (the leader of the vault dwellers you can optionally save from Vault 34), has several cut lines of dialogue. He actually has 16 topics, a large number of which are oddly the same duplicated player only lines repeated over and over. More interestingly he also has an inaccessible PEG greeting line for the Legion winning at Hoover Dam in which he expresses his disgust at the world and how he wishes the player left him in the Vault. In the final game he promises a "Vault trinket" if the player asks for a reward for saving him, but there's nothing in the code, so nothing happens.
  • There are also several unused traders with Brahmin here that are disabled.


Aerotech office park appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  1. The Courier: "What exactly is this place?"
    Parker: "This here's where folks go when their luck runs out. Drifters up from the Republic, locals that can't turn a dime, drunken reprobates from all around. If you don't have the caps to get onto the Strip, odds are you'll end up here."
    (Parker's dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "What's the deal with all these refugees?"
    Bert Gunnarsson: "Poor lost souls, most of them. They thought to come to New Vegas and find their fortunes on its shining Strip. But the journey is often long, and the price to enter the city is steep. Those who could not pay ended up here, hoping to earn the caps they need. Some find honest labor, but more fritter away what little they've saved on crooked gambling and cheap liquor. Still, I minister to them as I can."
    (Bert Gunnarsson's dialogue)
  3. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.315-316: "[2.22] Aerotech Office Park
    Close to a Manhole to the East Central Sewers [U2.EC], and adjacent to the Sharecropper Farms [2.20] and Camp McCarran [2.19] is a fortified refugee camp re-purposed from an old office park. The elevated monorail track surrounds this location. Open the Junk Door, and you can speak to Captain Parker about ongoing humanitarian problems. Occasionally present is a Ghoul named Bert Gunndarsson (a member of the Followers of the Apocalypse), who can heal you. Ask him about the refugees."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition Tour of the Mojave Wasteland)
  4. 4.0 4.1 The Courier: "Sounds like a chaotic place. Is there any way I can help?"
    Parker: "Well, I am a little short staffed. Maybe you could give me a hand. Some people have gone missing from the camp lately. Haven't seen any signs of violence or heard about any feuds, they just up and vanished. I've also got Keith and his gambling to deal with - I know that skunk's cheating folk out of their savings, I just can't prove it."
    (Parker's dialogue)
  5. The Courier: "What's the deal with all these refugees?"
    Bert Gunnarsson: "Poor lost souls, most of them. They thought to come to New Vegas and find their fortunes on its shining Strip. But the journey is often long, and the price to enter the city is steep. Those who could not pay ended up here, hoping to earn the caps they need. Some find honest labor, but more fritter away what little they've saved on crooked gambling and cheap liquor. Still, I minister to them as I can."
    (Bert Gunnarsson's dialogue)
  6. Megan Parks' portfolio