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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Fo4FH Ablutions Quest
Quest data
LocationThe Nucleus, Vim! Pop factory
Given BySister Mai
RewardRadical Conversion
Editor IDDLC03CoA_FFNucleus03
Base IDxx02b500

Ablutions is a side quest in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor.


Sister Mai is working on restoring the decontamination arches at the Nucleus entrance to act as a tool for ablutions: Spraying the faithful with heavily irradiated water and bring them the Glow. However, she's missing a pump regulator to make it work...


  1. Head to the Vim! Pop factory. Enter the factory proper, killing mutants as you go.
  2. Find the pump regulator on a table in the upper office overlooking the mixing vats in the southern hall.
  3. Return to Sister Mai. She will request that you install it.
  4. Optional: With persuasion, convince Mai to pay you, starting at 150 caps and going up to 350.
  5. Head down to the bay. The decontamination pump is by the sub's tail, at the bottom.
  6. Install the pump regulator. With Intelligence 7 or more, you can remove Mai's alterations, hide them, and repair the decontamination arches completely, allowing you to have a free source of decontamination.
  7. Return upstairs and press the button to complete the quest.

Quest stages[]

Status Stage Description
Recover the Pump Regulator Sister Mai asked me to recover an industrial-strength pump regulator from the Vim! Pop factory. The place is apparently crawling with Super Mutants, so I'll need to be cautious.
Return the Regulator to Sister Mai I found the pump Sister Mai requested. Now to head back and claim my reward.
Install the Regulator Mai said I should be the one to do the honors of adding the final piece to decontamination system in the bottom of the bay. I suspect she just doesn't want to walk through all that... filth.
Test the Decontamination System I repaired the decontamination arches in the Nucleus like Mai asked, but I also undid Mai's bypass to the decon system. Now to test that it worked.
The decontamination arches in the Nucleus are up and running again. And with my fix, I can use them any time I need to rid myself of some rads.

Fallout 4 quests