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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Master of the Mojave
Fallout: New Vegas locations project
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Abandoned warehouse
Abandoned warehouse
Abandoned warehouse 1
Abandoned warehouse 2
Icon unmarked
Abandoned warehouse loc
Map MarkerNone (nearest: Allied Technologies Offices)
Cell NameFreesideVanGraffWarehouse (int.)
ref id00126f7c (interior)
AW local map

The Abandoned warehouse is an unmarked building in the Mojave Wasteland, directly east of the Allied Technologies Offices.


The warehouse is a single room, with half an open space with several file cabinets and desks; the other half is a maze of metal containers stacked high. There are stairs which lead to an empty catwalk on the western side of the room.

Notable loot[]

  • In the north-east corner of the container maze are several refrigerators, with two containing several whiskey, Scotch, wine and atomic cocktail.
  • On an elevated display towards the middle of the maze, there are eleven bottles of wine.

Related quests[]


  • It was likely a storage area for the New Vegas Strip before the war due to its location and size.
  • If you enter before you partake in the quest Birds of a Feather, it is obvious that the area is set up in advance, including three brahmin and the containers and about 8 troopers.
  • After the quest Birds of a Feather, you can return to the warehouse and the three legion soldiers that were unconscious will be standing around if you did not kill them during the quest. If any of the New California Republic (NCR) troopers were still alive after the quest, then they will run to the other side of the warehouse when you walk in like they do during the quest. You will get infamy with the NCR if you kill any of the remaining soldiers, but none with the Legion for killing the three soldiers. Each Legion soldier will also only defend themselves, and will not attack you while you kill the other two.
  • If you enter with ED-E and kill the Legionaries, ED-E will get a bit carried away and start killing the brahmin.
  • There is a door at the top of the catwalk that presumably would lead back out to the wasteland, but it is not accessible. Furthermore, this door can't be seen from the outside.


This abandoned warehouse appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  • PCIcon pc PlayStation 3Icon ps3 Xbox 360Icon xbox360 The door to get into warehouse doesn't fit the frame which means you can look straight through the warehouse and see Camp McCarran.

