The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Fallout 3 locations project
Fallout 3 locations project
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Abandoned car fort
Fo3 Abandoned Car Fort
Icon landmark
Abandoned Car Fort loc
Map MarkerAbandoned Car Fort
FactionsRaiders (dead)
Cell NameWilderness -24, 14
ref id00000f3a

The abandoned car fort is a small makeshift fort located immediately northeast of Shalebridge, northwest of the Five Axles Rest Stop, and southeast of SatCom Array NW-07c in the Capital Wasteland. There are no living human inhabitants.


As the name suggests, it's a fort constructed of derelict cars on top of a highway. In the car fort, there are some dead raiders, a bed, some ammunition boxes, and usual necessities such as food, water and medicine. There are some mirelurks and an Enclave outpost nearby.

Notable loot[]

  • D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine to the south, past a wrecked train and an irradiated zone, in between some ant egg clutches, next to the corpse of a raider. The corpse may not appear in all games, but the loot should still be there, albeit a bit harder to spot.
  • Stealth Boy in the same spot as the D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine. If the corpse is present, you may need to move it to reveal the Stealth Boy.
  • Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor, next to the bed.


  • The mirelurks may need to be killed for the player to sleep in safety. However they will not attack the player whilst they are in the fort, as they are underneath the bridge and thus the player is out of their line of sight. Killing the mirelurks may prove difficult, as they're quite a long way down from the fort.
  • There is an Enclave checkpoint just up the highway, to the northwest. An Enclave Hellfire trooper will usually be among their numbers if Broken Steel is installed.
  • If you follow Fawkes after departing at Raven Rock, he will come through the Fort and get stuck. If you move further and run back he will have freed himself and will then be walking towards you. If you fast travel away, Fawkes will have disappeared. If you then fast travel to Underworld he will be there, like he would normally.
  • You may think that this location is a good place to cause an explosion, but most of the cars are missing their engines, however there are a few cars down the road that can explode.


The Abandoned Car Fort appears only in Fallout 3.


  • PCIcon pc PlayStation 3Icon ps3 Xbox 360Icon xbox360 While crossing the bridge the player might fall through as if the bridge wasn't there.
  • PCIcon pc PlayStation 3Icon ps3 Xbox 360Icon xbox360 The mirelurks below the fort may fly up to the fort's level, allowing them to attack you.
  • PCIcon pc Xbox 360Icon xbox360 PlayStation 3Icon ps3 On very rare occasion an Enclave soldier or officer may spawn near the fort before the Enclave become active within the Capital Wasteland.