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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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A Note from Little Moonbeam's Father
Icon holotape
Editor IDMS15FinSydneyDadAudioNote
Base ID000b3972

A Note from Little Moonbeam's Father, is a holodisk that Sydney's father left her while he was dying in the Statesman Hotel. If the Lone Wanderer gives it to her after she tells her story, she will give the Lone Wanderer her modified submachine gun.



My dearest Little Moonbeam. I know you've been waiting to hear what happened to me. I'm sorry I left you like I did. An important deal came up... one that might have let us to get away from that shack we were living in. I came to the Statesman Hotel to meet the buyer and the deal went bad. We shot each other, and now I think I'm dying. I won't make it out of this place... the ruins are crawling with Super Mutants. All I can do is record this and then hide up in one of the rooms. You're a strong girl and I know you can use everything I taught you to survive alone. Please forgive me, sweetie. I only wanted to make the best for us. Daddy loves you very much. Goodbye.


The note can be found on the third and uppermost floor of Statesman Hotel Mid Level, close to the center. Just south of the marker for the Statesman Hotel Restaurant elevator (but behind a wall, so not directly accessible).

If you are making your way up to Reilly's Rangers the first time, it is two floors above Theo. The room is the first door to the left (facing north looking down the corridor immediately after leaving the stairwell to that upper floor). The door is opposite a locked door, which is a storage closet (easy difficulty) with ammunition and med supplies. Just beyond the storage closet is a side-by-side fire hose and med station on the wall. Once you enter the hotel room, just look for the illuminated bedroom. The note is on a bed, next to a skeleton, under the ceiling light.

