The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
A Sticky Situation
Quest data
LocationLittle Lamplight
End LocationBig Town
Given BySticky
RewardParty hat (optional)
Location of Big Town
Related quests
Big Trouble in Big Town

A Sticky Situation is an unmarked quest in Fallout 3.


Once given clearance to enter Little Lamplight by Mayor MacCready, the gate opens to display several kids gathered around a teenager wearing a red birthday hat. Sticky has just turned 16, and it's time for him to leave Little Lamplight. When you speak to him, he tells you he wants to go to Big Town, where all the grownups go.

Once Sticky joins your party, you may give him weapons and/or armor (even power armor) which he will then use to defend himself on the journey. During the trip, Sticky talks quite a bit, sometimes making up stories presumably chosen at random. His stories follow a Mad-Lib template; similar stories repeat, with only about half the words changed. You can either put up with it, tell him to shut up, or kill him (this holds no karma loss). This quest is completed upon crossing the bridge to Big Town.


  • So long as the player has not reached Big Town, Sticky will remain a constant companion.
  • No caps are awarded despite Sticky's promises otherwise.
  • Sticky will say the age for children to leave is 18, though through dialogue with other characters, it is revealed to be 16.
  • If, prior to this escort, the player has already completed Big Trouble in Big Town and taught the townsfolk how to plant mines for protection, the mines will not recognize Sticky as "friendly." Note that the quest completes when Sticky yells excitedly about seeing Big Town, so he cannot be told to "wait" after this point. He will rush across the bridge and run into the mines. If the player wants to see Sticky safely into Big Town, they must tell him to wait back from the road that approaches Big Town and disarm the multitude of mines the townspeople have laid down around the bridge.
  • If you do take Sticky to Big Town before doing the quest Big Trouble in Big Town, you won't be able to talk to him for a period of time (from one hour to a full day in-game) as he will just say "Where's Red?" to you.
    • If you talk to any non-player characters in Big Town about him needing to pay you with Red's money, they will tell you not to tell Sticky she's missing. However, there is no speech option about this.


  • PlayStation 3Icon ps3 Leading Sticky across the highway between Vault 101 and Big Town sometimes causes him to turn around and run away without warning. He will run down to ground level and across the wastes, following the highway for a while before disappearing.