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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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For an overview of .223 rounds throughout the Fallout series, see .223 round.
.223 caliber
.223 AP.223 FMJ.223 JHP
.223 caliber AP (left), .223 caliber FMJ (center) and .223 caliber JHP (right)
Mag. Size
AC Mod
damage mod
DR mod
Gametitle-VBThe following is based on Van Buren and has not been confirmed by canon sources.

.223 caliber is a type of ammunition that was to appear in Van Buren.


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The .223 Remington is a commonplace rifle cartridge, originally developed for the M16 service rifle of the United States Army. Adopted with slight modifications by the military as the 5.56x45mm military round, the original .223 ammunition gained widespread popularity among the civilian population, specifically in the Colt Rangemaster, of which the round had been a standard of since 2051.[1] The common variant has a full metal jacket, offering good penetration without sacrificing damage. Its wide availability makes it a popular choice for wastelanders, due to the number of weapons that can accept the round.[2][3]


This is Van Buren's version of the .223 FMJ.

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Weapons using this ammunition[]


.223 caliber AP[]

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.223 caliber FMJ[]

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The basic variant of the .223 round offers good penetration and expansion, without excelling in either. This commercial cartridge has identical dimensions to the military round, though it is loaded with less powder, leading to lower internal pressures. Though this lowers damage, it leads to less wear on the weapon.

.223 caliber JHP[]

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  1. Vault Dweller's Survival Guide p.5-15: "A longer ranged, and more powerful, firearm. The Rangemaster is your basic, solid rifle. It uses the .223 caliber rifle round, a standard for over 110 years. The .223, combined with a 1:10” twist, gives good accuracy at range and solid knockdown capability."
  2. Vault Dweller's Survival Guide p.5-17: "Rifle caliber ammunition. The FMJ stands for Full-Metal Jacket, which describes the bullet that is used in the round of ammo. A FMJ bullet is very tough, and has pretty good penetration without sacrificing good expansion. In other words, it‘s an average round."
  3. Fallout Official Survival Guide p.119: ".223 Full Metal Jacket (FMJ): This is the same ammo used in the late 20th century by various military rifles, including the M-16. A good, basic, hard-hitting round."
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